Breed Feeding

BARF Diet Testimony

At Lionslea we believe in the principle that RAW is better. Although we do sometimes feed our dogs a premium quality commercial dry food such as Proplan Performance, the majority of their meals are based on Dr. Billinghursts BARF diet (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) with the kibble kept to a minimum. The BARF feeding regime is based on the principles that Dogs need a diet close to that of their wild cousins i.e. whole carcasses, raw meaty bones and stomach contents otherwise known as the "rumen". It emphasises that a natural diet provides optimum nutrients and the textures necessary for the longevity of dental, mental and physical good health.

We also believe RAW is better because we have found that what goes in must *eventually* come out whether it be in the manifestation of ill health/good health and of course what is left behind in the backyard for YOU to clean up! Perhaps some of it could be put down to "good genes" :) but after years (since 2004) of raising our dogs as close to the BARF principles as possible we have found that apart from self inflicted cuts and injuries they have experienced little or no illness to speak of and injuries (some severe) have healed quickly without infection. All are free of allergies, their coats are gleaming, with no infestation of fleas, their eyes are bright, gums are healthy and their teeth are almost as pearly white as the day they were brought home. We must be doing something right.

BARF is not as complicated as it first appears and although it may take some committment to prepare the wet foods, the feeding of raw meaty bones can be as simple as throwing your dog a RAW chicken carcass readily available from most supermarkets or chicken shops for approx a dollar per carcass. We buy ours in bulk at a further discount. You will also find that RAW food intake requirements are less compared with that of commercial varieties due to the higher concentration of natural nutrients which are more readily absorbed into the body.

You'll not only save money on expensive commercial foods, but possibly on expensive vet bills too, and in the long term you will certainly appreciate that. But most importantly your dog will love you for it as they will be glowing with vitality and in optimal health.

All Lionslea puppies will be raised on the same quality diet as our own dogs and new owners will receive a Dr. Billinghursts BARF diet book as part of their puppy pack. It is a recommendation only based on our experience just as is any other breeders feeding regime and we strongly urge that you read it thoroughly before commencing.

Always consult your Vet if you have any health or nutritional concerns.

*Please note that feeding COOKED bones is a serious safety hazard for your pet.

For further reading see - BARF Australia.


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